Our little boy turned one in August and gosh has the time surely flown by way too quick. It has been quite the adventurous year. He was born a quiet happy baby. Got his first pair of teeth at 4 months. Loved every food introduced to him (and still LOVES all foods... food in general he loves... the apple does not fall far from the tree). Crawled at 8 months. Walked at 10 months. And now, he has become a spunky happy (and, I won't lie, tantrum-ous) active toddler. So spunky and active that he tires this hyper mama out. And we love this boy the way he is. We love him oh-so-much that his Daddy and I have a hard time imagining what it would be like to love another child. Don't get us wrong, we have plans to add to this little family of ours but for now we are enjoying this little boy. Continue reading to see the details of how we celebrated a great first year; his birthday party!
{we went with a Nautical theme. in love with envelop liners and how they give a personalize pop.} |
{Connor at every month & the sweets table} |
{an amazingly talented local home baker made this gorgeous cake right out of her house kitchen. i love supporting small businesses and will be ordering future cakes from her.} |
{a close-up of her great work} |
{blue jello as water, orange slices + paper sail as boats, and of course blue dotted wooden spoons taped on w. gold dotted washi tape. oh, the details!} |
{powdered donuts, gummy rings, and mint lifesavers as life savers} |
{red vines as sailor's ropes} |
{gummy worms as live bait!} |
{gold fish crackers + swedish fish as the catch of the day!} |
{rice crispy treats as starfishes. i used a star cookie cutter & added eyeballs with royal icing.} |
{this was some-what of a disaster. i thought i could cut a corner by using pillsbury's pre-made sugar cookie dough. major fail. the cookies didn't hold it's shape and expanded to an unrecognizable blobs. next time i'll stick with making the dough from scratch.} |
{chevron stripped goody bags + labels that say "thanks for sailing by" + lifesavers hanging from twine. paper boats. nautical bunting flag. an adorable photo of Connor.} |
{more paper boats & more adorable Connor. this photo totally depicts his happy demeanor.} |
{smash cake!!} |
{he pushed the cake away and cried. totally not what we were expecting.} |
{1 year smash cake photo shoot} |
{the end} |
Professional Photos: Photographed by the talented Shawnee.
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