Tuesday, February 19, 2013

{mommy crisis}

This little guy.  The days of his lonely two bottom front teeth will soon be long gone as this momma just discovered his top FOUR front teeth have emerged and soon they will be having their debut.  Rats!  Why so soon??  Every day I hold him tighter and tighter to savor every second of him because time just goes by too darn fast.  I can't believe he's already almost 7 months.  Two months after that he'll be 9 months and then 3 months after that we'll be celebrating his 1st birthday.  WAAAAAAAAH!  Please. Slow. Down. Time. 


  1. Tell me about it. I blink and my baby is turning 4 this summer. WHAT. Time for another one. ;)

  2. Are you indicating something????? Is there something I should know?? ;)
