I thought I'd write a post about my workout routine since it's such a huge part of my life. I've been working out for more than 10 years and it's become such a normal part of my life that not doing it feels awkward. It is an essential function in my life as eating, sleeping, showering, and brushing my teeth are. My current workouts have been modified as I'm trekking along in my pregnancy and I'm sure it will continue to as this baby belly continues to grow! Check out my workout routine....
Pregnancy Workout
Day 1: 45 minutes cardio on Eliptical
Day 2: 60 minutes TurboKick (class offered at 24 Hr Fitness)
Day 3: 60 minutes Body Combat (class offered at 24 Hr Fitness)
Day 4: 45 minutes cardio (Eliptical or run 12 laps at park) and 60 minutes of Bar Method Pregnancy dvd
Pre-Pregnancy Workout
Day 1: Gluteus workout and 60 minutes TurboKick class
Day 2: 45 minutes cardio on Eliptical and 60 minutes Pilates class
Day 3: 45 minutes cardio (Eliptical or run 12 laps outside at park)
Day 4: 60 minutes Turbokick class
As you can see, I haven't really had to alter my workouts too much. I basically cut out Pilates since I can't be on my back and I cut out one class of TurboKick by adding a class of Body Combat. Body Combat doesn't have as much jumping as TurboKick. When I do TurboKick, I do modify it by jumping less. Now, if only I could continue my pre-pregnancy strict healthy diet... that's a whole 'nother story!